Springtime, and thank goodness it has arrived, is always a fascinating time of the year for me. The transition from the bleak look of winter to the vibrancy of spring is an age-old ritual worthy of study, poems, and keen observations. It is truly a wonderment how the dim, gray caricatures of seemingly lifeless trees burst forth with various colors of spring blooms and buds. One can take a fair census of timber stands from afar just by noting the various colors of tree buds.

Down on the forest floor, bloodroot, trillium, anemone, trout lilies and the like are adding their splotches of springtime coloration. One old feller’ use to proclaim to me that; “When the bloodroot shows her white, the turkeys will start gobbling and strutting. Oh what a sight!” I have found that to be uncannily accurate in my woodland forays.